Catalogue raisonné

Grafos Verlag GmbH has published the three volumes of the Catalogue Raisonné of paintings.
Following the process of meticulous information gathering and in cooperation with galleries, auction houses and collectors, author Guillermo Herlt has in 13 years compiled precise data on more than 2,300 works, thus significantly expanding the scope and quality of the previous catalogue raisonné. The three volumes detail more than 1,200 works produced between 1955 and 2020.
The volumes of works on paper, drawings and graphic works will be published at a later date.
All of them include an extensive introduction by Fernando Castro Flórez, a well-known Spanish art critic.
The publication is available through Amazon, online bookstores and directly from the publisher; Grafos Verlag GmbH .

Here are the links to Amazon UK
Volumen 1 -
Volumen 2 -
Volumen 3 -

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Volumen 1 -
Volumen 2 -
Volumen 3 -

For other Amazon domains, search using the ISBN:

Volumen 1: ISBN 3964730165
Volumen 2: ISBN 3964730173
Volumen 3: ISBN 3964730181